Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oops! My Bad!

Today Laura and I were wondering if MK was going to get anything at the 8th grade awards ceremony this year. I vaguely recall getting an envelope in the mail from Thoreau the other day, but it didn't occur to me that it was anything but the usual newsletter. Well, duh. As it turned out the letter was to inform me that my child was to receive something and that I should get my booty to the ceremony which I obliviously didn't do. She ended up with 4 awards which, incidentally, when added up is about equivalent to the amount of awards her 6 siblings got combined. Fortunately MK could not have cared less that I wasn't there. And was I ever happy not to have to sit through the 2 1/2 hour ceremony. She got math and science awards plus a character award and the Presidential fitness one. MK rocks!!!!


  1. Um, yeah, I'm going to Avery's 6th grade awards program tomorrow morning. No big hopes and dreams here for a stack full of awards!

  2. I've made that same mistake before too; luckily though I don't think the kids ever realized that we were specially invited.

    Anyhow, Mary Kate is awesome, but I'm sure you already knew that. :)
