Sunday, February 20, 2011
Amazing roses
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day

Tips for Mindfully Eating Girl Scout Cookies
1) One reason people mindlessly over eat Girl Scout cookies is due to the way they are packaged. The Thin Mints come in a long sheath and the Samoa, for example, are in rows. The natural "pause point" is at the end of the row or the sheath. A "pause point" is the place that you naturally stop and ask yourself if you want more. This way of packaging unconsciously leads people to eat more than they normally would. (Consider how Pop Tarts are packed in a set of two, to subtly imply that you should naturally eat two). Therefore, a helpful hint is to divide these rows of cookies into smaller baggies. That way when you get to the bottom of a bag of two cookies (instead of a row of cookies) you stop and ask yourself, "do I want more?" Creating your own pause points helps you to think mindfully about whether you really want another cookie. We often automatically respond to the subtle cues of packaging rather than our true hunger.
2) If you don't want to waste the cookies but feel uncomfortable with how many you have on hand, there are recipes that call for using several cookies at once. See the recipes below. Bring one of these desserts to a potluck, or to an office meeting.
4) Freeze a box. If you are like most parents, coworkers or grandparents, you buy multiple boxes to help your favorite little one. The good news is that they freeze well.
5) Bring a box to work or other events. They will be gone quickly. If you worry about contributing to other people's mindless eating, you might also consider dividing up the cookies and putting one or two on a small plate. Wrap them up with pretty paper. This way you are sharing the cookies without leading others to eat them mindlessly.
6) Get the facts. Check out the nutritonal information on your favorite cookie.
7) Don't panic! Remember that Girl Scout Cookies happen once a year. This challenge won't last forever. If you do like them, eat them mindfully, savor and enjoy. Eating too many of them takes out the joy of these little treats.
For more mindful eating tips, see By: Dr. Susan Albers, author of the new book, 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food. and Eating Mindfully
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Happy 17th Birthday, Mikey! And other cool stuff:)
As if I need more motivation to get into shape, we were asked to be a Ma and Pa for trek in July. So the weekend after the wedding you'll find us herding 10-12 of Oakton Stake's finest youth as they push a heavily laden handcart over hills and in the heat at the Marriott Ranch. Bruce can't wait. I, on the other hand....
Today is Mikey's 17th birthday. We love him. His birthday coincided with Spirit week. He gets into creatively dressing for each day. Yesterday was "snowed in day". Most kids just wore warm PJs. But not Mikey. He went as the abominable snow man. Today is "dressed to impress day" which would not be complete without his shiny disco shirt. (pictures coming soon) His best outfit of the week is for tomorrow which is "the best of 2010 day". He's dressing as a Chilean miner: